The following jurisdictions have been approved by the &Green Advisory Board for investment by the Fund. Please click on the jurisdiction to see the Jurisdictional Eligibility Criteria Assessment (JECA) reports upon which the approvals were based.
DSNG has committed to deliver valuable Environmental Return (“ER”) outcomes immediately in East Kalimantan, where 75% of its mature plantations and the majority of its mills are situated.
These ERs are set out in more detail below and are complemented by DSNG’s targets of: up to 700,000 tons of Crude Palm Oil certified to be sustainably sourced and produced; and the ability to reduce pressure on over 200,000 hectares of forest cover in surrounding forestry license areas by securing smallholder livelihoods with its NDPE.
By 2025, similar additional ERs will be achieved from estates beyond East Kalimantan. Over 8,000 smallholder farmers and 11,000 individuals are expected to benefit from jobs, services and improved incomes as the NDPE is implemented by DSNG’s 10 mills to all its suppliers. The transaction will thereby be a strong signal to the Indonesian palm sector for how sustainable palm oil production can be profitable while safeguarding valuable ecosystems and supporting long-term community economic development.
The model allows for the recuperation of degraded pastures and, by planting grass in between soy fields, there is a positive impact on the soil nutrient value as well.
Implementing the model at such scale is operationally and technically ambitious, as it targets investing in the improved rotation of agriculture with cattle raising on most of the productive farm area. It thus serves as an example to the market of effective and large-scale intensification, while still protecting natural forest and meeting the Forest Code.
In addition, the purpose of the project is to ensure, through the Landscape Protection Plan (LPP), the promotion of this model to peers, to the market and via credible industry institutions. As &Green’s first investment in Brazil, this sends a message about supporting players that operate beyond “business-as-usual” from a production and protection perspective.
Marfrig’s commitments have been described in two detailed roadmaps: the Landscape Protection Plan (LPP) and the Environmental and Social Action Plan (ESAP). Through these public documents, Marfrig is contractually committing to achieve a full deforestation-free supply chain, including indirect suppliers, and for both the Amazon and Cerrado biomes.
Following the closure of a court case between INCRA and Roncador which was pending since 1994, the total farm area of Roncador has been changed to 147,571ha. Subsequently, and as indicated in the Landscape Protection Plan, the ER 1 has been adjusted to 66,595 ha.